Faculty committee was hold role (111) on Tuesday 19/09/2023 headed by Prof. Yasser Abdel-Hameed, Dean of the faculty, to discuss faculty preparing for starting new academic year 2023/2024.

Dean of faculty started by congrats teaching staff, member of faculty committee and working staff for new academic year 2023/2024, and he insured on providing a suitable learning environment for students and faculty administration seeks to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to achieve their success and develop their abilities with the help of faculty and associate staff.

All details discussed and some issues of students and educational affairs sector These include the full preparation of the educational process and the readiness of the faculty to begin the academic year of teaching halls, laboratories and farms of the faculty, in addition to the subjects of the postgraduate and research sector and included new restrictions for students for the academic year 2023-2024 in the various programs of the faculty, formations, grants and other subjects.

Wishing all students success and success