First level courses:
Soil physics and meteorology
Second level courses:
The basics of earth sciences – foundations of ecology and natural resources
Third level courses:
The first semester (morphology and division of land – pollution of land and water and methods of treatment – water relations of soil and plants – organic and biological crops – basics of plant diseases – afforestation and the environment)
Second semester (land reclamation and cultivation – land formation and technology – fertility and soil colloids – plant nutrition – soil microbiology – advanced crop production – specialized technical English language)
Fourth level courses in land and water:
The first semester (recycling of agricultural waste – environmental irrigation – desertification and development of desert lands – computer applications in the field of land and water – chemical and physical analyzes of land, water and plants)
The second semester (organic nutrition of farm animals – management of natural reserves – field training – soil chemistry and minerals – fertilizers and fertilizers)
Fourth level courses in the environment and natural resources:
The first semester (recycling of agricultural waste – environmental irrigation – desertification and development of desert lands – computer applications in the field of land and water – basics of forests)
Second semester (organic nutrition of farm animals – management of natural reserves – field training – soil chemistry and minerals – agricultural climate)
Elective courses at the first and second levels (geographic information systems – pollution of land, water and plants – natural and water resources)